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A newly launched celebration of everyday sound (not music) in all its forms presented by The Museum Of Sound in partnership with The New BBC Radiophonic Workshop and others. It is a UK-based awards ceremony this year but submissions are encouraged from around the world. 


The awards aim to highlight the rapidly-expanding international community of sound professionals and enthusiasts.  


There will be an awards ceremony in 2021.








Alannah Chance - Reduced Listening


Bernie Krause - Wild Sanctuary


Cheryl Tipp - The British Library


Chris Watson - Natural History 

Sound Recordist


Rana Eid - db Studios


Tony Gayle - The Audio Cartel


Trevor CoxProfessor of Acoustic



 Matthew Herbert - Chair of Judges




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Sound of the Year


A sound that has been the most extraordinary, revealing, pleasurable or surprising in the past 12 months. It could be a publicly occurring sound, or something nobody has heard before



Worst Sound


A sound that should never have been made or that should have been designed better




Best Naturally Occurring Sound


A sound that occurs without human input and was captured in the last 12 months




Best Artificial Sound


A sound created or manipulated to sound like something it isn't




Disappearing Sound


A sound that is unlikely to be heard in the future, but that is worth saving




Best Sound in a TV Show, Film or Game


An excellent individual sound created or recorded for a TV show, film or game that was released in the last 12 months




Best Field Sound Recordist


Someone who has shown excellence in capturing interesting sounds outside of a recording studio this year




Best Studio Sound Recordist


Someone who has shown excellence in capturing or creating interesting sounds in a recording studio this year




Sound Innovator 


An individual, team or company who have done particularly interesting work this year with sound




Best Sound Tool


A bit of technology or tool that has made capturing sound particularly enjoyable and was released this year




Best Listener


An award to recognise someone, something or somewhere that is a good listener




All sounds must have been heard, recorded or created between 1st December 2019 and 1st December 2020


You can enter as many sounds as you like in as many categories


You can nominate yourself, your team or someone else in the relevant categories.


You should always credit the sound recordist where known


We’re not as interested in musical instruments or voices.


A recording is not mandatory but the judges need to be able to experience it somehow. 


Anyone over the age of 16, living anywhere in the world can enter.


All submissions must be in by 18.00hrs on the 28th February 2021.


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